News and UPDATES

Sign up to News and Updates Here PRC 21/2022 Prizegiving Please click and register for the PRC 21/2022 Prizegiving. Please click and complete the form now - we need to confirm and book by Saturday 30th April to book the venue. Thanks 🙂      read more why do...


PRIZE GIVING RECIPIENTS 2020/2021  At the end of each season, our members get together to celebrate and recognise the achievements of our fellow teammates. Our awards for this season were as follows:   T French Cup Best All Round College Female Member A. Lovell ...

2021 Newsletters

2021 Newsletters In late 2021, we started Newsletters with the plan to update all members on the season, as it unfolded. Then Covid prevented all regattas except a few at the end. By then, we build this website! The links to the pdf newsletter August 2021 Newsletter...